Rajee Singh, mother of actress Neetu Kapoor, breathed her last on Tuesday morning. She was living with Rishi Kapoor and Neetu at their Pali Hill bungalow, Krishna Raj.
She died of heart attack. Her cremation was held last evening. Rishi and Neetu's manager confirmed the news.
In the meantime, Deepika Padukone, Ranbir Kapoor's girlfriend, rushed to her boyfriend's family's side on hearing the news.
She was supposed to leave for Italy as the shoot of Sajid Khan's Housefull had shifted from
London to Italy. And her manager-friend Tia had delivered a baby boy yesterday.
So she was in a mood for celebration until she heard that Ranbir's grandmother had expired. She cancelled her ticket to Italy and was with the Kapoors' all day.
Thursday, August 27, 2009 10:47 IST