Writer-director Subhash Kapoor's film will have Shah Rukh Khan playing a lawyer. Red Chillies Entertainment and Rakesh Upadhyay, a close friend of actor Akshay Kumar, will produce the film titled Jolly LLB.
The film will blow the lid off the judicial system. Subhash has earlier directed a film starring Sanjay Suri, Vinay Pathak and Sandhya Mrudul.
SRK reportedly loved the theme of the film. Even though he had given Subhash just 45 minutes for narrating the script, they ended up discussing it for more than 2 hours.
The film will outline the pros and cons
of the judicial system. Producer Rakesh Upadhyay is finalizing the film details.
Friday, August 28, 2009 13:00 IST