Shah Rukh Khan was there with wife Gauri, Hrithik Roshan came with wife Suzanne and Karan Johar was in attendance too. Model-turned actor Arjun Rampal got Bollywood celebrities in the capital for the launch of
his restaurant Lap in Samrat Hotel.
On this red-carpet event Friday evening, Imran Khan was also there with his girlfriend Avantika.
Rampal said: "You have to become a member to know how incredible this place is. It's for people to enjoy. India can proudly say, we have a place to party. It's about privacy, a place to discover yourself."
Top-notch designers like Rohit Bal, J.J. Valaya, Reena Dhaka and Tarun Tahilyani were present too.
Monday, August 31, 2009 12:34 IST