Mahesh Bhatt salutes the Debut Director Duo Arsala Qureishi and Sabrina Louis for their film "The Unforgettable".
Mahesh Bhatt who recently saw the film The Unforgettable was so impressed, that he agreed to be part of the
Music launch and had great things to say encouraging the debut directors. While unveiling the Music in the presence of
Arsala and Ismail Durbar he said, "Anyone who's loved and lost will identify with the characters. This film is a discovery
for me."
Speaking to the directors he said, "I salute you for your courage. A whole lot of people struggle to find
their voice, and still don't find it. You are lucky to find your voice in your first film itself, and I hope you are able to sustain
The Unforgettable is a brilliant film and depicts destruction in love beautifully." Film The Unforgettable is all
set to release in India on the 11th of September, 2009.
The Unforgettable is an unusual passionate love story
that depicts the stark contrasts in individualistic beliefs interwoven in a web of romance, mystery, travesty and triumph. It
narrates passion in an aesthetic and mature manner.
The thought provoking concept and aesthetic
cinematography by W.B. Rao has lent an incredible sensuality to the love story.
Thursday, September 03, 2009 12:02 IST