Priyanka Chopra and Harman Baweja graced the sets of L'il champs to promote their upcoming flick ‘What's your Rashee?' and they were literally asked to do the very same- Guess the Zodiac of the participants!
While the guessing games were quite a hit, it was the cute moments between our l'il anchors Afsha, Dhairya and Priyanka that stole the thunder!
"Priyanka didi, mujhe bhi aapki tarah Ms. World
banna hai, toh main kya karoon?" Priyanka picks up tiny Afsha in her arms says, "Tumhe pehle itnaaaa.... lamba hona parega".
There's an interesting arm wrestling between Afsha and Dhairya. Priyanka
tickles Dhairya and Afsha gets ecstatic about pinning down Dhairya and the boy's team!
The desi girl could not stop her enthusiasm on Yatharth's stupendous performance on ‘Desi girl'. She promptly goes
up on the stage and shakes a leg on the same quite obviously making the whole crowd go wild!
Friday, September 04, 2009 10:21 IST