Shahid Kapoor is still dazzled by Madhuri Dixit. The Kaminey actor, who was on Farah Khan's show, Tere Mere Beach Mein recently, was asked which actress he would like to pick for his dream project and the reply was instant– Madhuri.
He also wants to cast Amitabh Bachchan as one of the actors. The film would be set in the 70s and would be directed by Nasser Hussain and will have Ranjit playing the villain.
Shahid would love to flirt with all the heroines and he'd even get the time to, as there were no mobile phones back then.
He also joked that he would ask for a longer lunch break to be able to flirt for a longer time. Especially with Madhuri. Now, isn't someone very impressed by Mads?
Monday, September 07, 2009 10:59 IST