Kanchivaram, set in the pre-independence era, has bagged top honours - best film as well as best actor award for Prakash Raj at the 55th National Awards, announced Monday. The actor says he is inspired to do more such films, while director Priyadarshan feels it will change his image.
"This is what my production house Duet Movies is striving for. The joy of doing such films is great. I want my contemporaries in the industry to experience it, " Prakash Raj told.
Prakash Raj gives credit for the film's success to his director.
"All credit should go to Priyadarshan and his team. He was hitherto called as commercial filmmaker. Had he wanted, he could have gone ahead and done some commercial ventures and made enough money. But he had the guts and conviction to do meaningful movie. I dedicate this award to Priyan, our art-director Sabu Cyril and cinematographer Thiru."
Priyadarshan is equally thrilled with the award and said: "People call me comedy director. From now on, they can call me 'comical serious' director. We made the movie with a purpose. All the artistes, crew and technicians gave their best and the result is here to see.
"Doing such films gives one immense satisfaction. When it is recognised with such awards, it motivates and encourages one more."
The director, who is known widely for his comedies like "Hera Pheri", Priyadarshan said: "'Kanchivaram' is a movie that is straight from my heart. Wish I do many more in future."
Tuesday, September 08, 2009 11:24 IST