Becomes, perhaps, the first martial arts expert Bollywood actress she has mastered action, she has mastered comedy, she has mastered dance. Eesha Koppikhar, arguably one of the most versatile actresses adds yet another feather to her cap– the black belt in Taekwondo. She received her grade today.
Says Eesha, barely managing to conceal her excitement, "Since I was a little child, I always enjoyed watching action movies. I imagined myself doing those flying kicks and other moves.
Today, I feel that this dream has come true". She further added that practicing martial arts instill in you a great deal of discipline, awareness and balance, and also that Taekwondo has made her a more positive person in life.
When asked on how she could manage to commit time for practice, she said, "It was not easy, but it was my sheer passion and commitment for the art that saw me through it.
" Replying to a question on whether Taekwondo has helped her in her professional life, she mentioned, "The discipline required to train in Taekwondo will always prove to be an advantage, as my actions will look more natural particularly in action flicks– a genre that I love working in".
Eesha also demonstrated some the Taekwondo techniques in a mock fight with other students. Indeed, watching her do all that made one think of a long journey that our Bollywood actresses have traveled. From being stereotypical oppressed bahus or an eye-candy who danced around trees, they are now excelling in every genre of movies.
Move over Lara Croft, Eesha is here!
Tuesday, September 08, 2009 11:26 IST