Rituparno Ghosh's upcoming film, Abohomaan, is based on legendary filmmaker, Satyajit Ray's life. Apparently, Ray had some issues with his wife and son. A major part of the film focuses on that.
Even though Rituparno wanted Amitabh Bachchan to play the lead role with Shabana Azmi as his wife and Madhuri Dixit and Farhan Akhtar as the actress who he is attracted to and his son respectively, he had to settle for actor Deepankar De as the protagonist. Mamta Shankar plays his wife and Ananya Chatterjee, the actress. Jishu Sengupta plays the son.
Produced by Reliance Big Pictures; the film is said to have been fictionalized by Rituparno. While those who know Ray can definitely point out the similarities, it is not entirely based on his life.
Tuesday, September 08, 2009 11:39 IST