The popular show is back on public demand. The first episode of Entertainment Ke Liye Aur Bhi Kuch Karega has Hyderabad Special Police Force constable Santosh Maltumkar perform stunts on the stage.
Santosh's act required him to cover his face with a cloth and then set it on fire... and break piles of glass slabs. His act had the judges- Farah, Anu and celebrity Salman Khan literally on the edge of their
But what transpired later was shocking when the fire increased and began unbearable for Santosh... the production crew got into action to stop it from spreading, but Santosh faced some severe burns
on his chest.
Even though the judges asked Santosh to end the act and reassured him that he was already a winner for them, Santosh was adamant to perform the stunt once more and prove his mettle to Salman and the judges...
Santosh took to the stage once again and executed the act with ease!
Ironically just before the act, when we spoke to Santosh on the danger in performing the act, and if there were any accidents... he said, "I have been performing stunts for many years now, and have taught more than
12, 000 students... nothing has ever gone wrong. I am very confident about my act."
While you watch Santosh perform the act you realize that people are ready to go to any extend for Entertainment Ke Liye Aur Bhi Kuch Karega. Don't miss the launch episode this Monday, September 14 at 10.00 pm
only on Sony Entertainment Television.
Wednesday, September 09, 2009 18:46 IST