Bad-man Mukesh Tiwari will once again impart the negativity onscreen. As he is featured as home minister in Mehul Kumar's forthcoming ambitious film ‘Krantiveer- The Revolution'.
The touted sequel of Krantiveer seems to be more ostentatious in its presentation and obviously so, as it has to match the eminence of its cult predecessor. He is apparently donning the role of a Home Minister with a rangeela temperament, as he will be seen shaking legs with firangi dancers for an item song in the film.
"I enjoyed dancing with them. As I am not a trained dancer, steps composed for me were not so difficult. I had to do only freak out dancing, " said the playful minister.
Hmm...Footloose Netaji It seems the film aims at bursting the bubble of all the loose-character politicians, who appear so clean to junta.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009 11:19 IST