It seems like Barjatyas need two 'Prems' to fill in Salman's shoe to make their upcoming love caper, Main Prem Ki Diwani Hoon, a hit. Kareena Kapoor is playing Sanjana who loves her music and her parrot. Her parents, Pankaj Kapur and Himani Shivpuri, request her to consider a prospective suitor Prem (Hrithik Roshan). Although hard to get, Sanjana eventually falls for this golden hearted guy.
Story takes a weird turn and here comes another Prem (Abhishek Bachchan), the friend of the first Prem. Both share an enormous friendship and each other´s secret. Prem II also falls head over heels for Sanjana. Sanjana's circumstances change and she is now faced with the dilemma of choosing the right Prem.
Market trends have changed Barjatya's way of filmmaking too and voila, you can see Kareena Kapoor sporting a bikini, which is something unique for a Rajshri film. Another unique change is addition of Anu Malik as a music composer. Though the music of the film falls flat on the listeners' expectations we are hoping exactly the opposite for the cine-goers.
The publicity of the film is also taking a hit due to some frequent spoilsport SMSs which are making rounds in the bollywood these days. If these messages are to be believed, Sanjana dies in the end leaving the two Prems sobbing. All the best to Mr. Suraj Barjatya who is banking on this hit-starved troika to deliver the wonders.