With couple of Bollywood projects in hand, the actor spends more time in learning Hindi now. Well, if you're guessing
about his tutor, it's not someone hired by him. It's his sweet wife Jyothika who's been straining herself in putting right
pronunciation on his tongue.
Although, Surya is well versed with Hindi, he isn't fluent in conversations. That urges him to set things in perfection.
His first Hindi project would be Ram Gopal Varma's ‘Raktha Charithra' where he dons the role of Bengali Naxalite.
The other film is yet to be titled and is directed by ‘Ghajini' fame A.R. Murugadoss. The trilingual film will be
made in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu with Udayanidhi Stalin of Red Giant Movies producing it.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009 12:29 IST