There is good news about these two actors as on-screen Ram and Sita are planning to tie the knot. The duo has got engaged during their reality show, Pati Patni Aur Woh which was a big surprise for everyone.
"It was a surprise for me by Gurmeet. I just couldn't believe that moment has come in my life. I wouldn't like to reveal much as it's better if you watch the episode and understand the emotions that we went through," says Debina.
So is the marriage soon on the cards? "Well definitely but as my parents have gone abroad so we will wait till they come back. After that we will be deciding on the dates of the marriage," she adds further.
Debina has discovered a new Gurmmet during this one month reality show. "After doing the show and staying with him for a month I realised that I knew him only 1% and there was lot more to be discovered.
The way he has taken care of me and motivated me has made me think over that he was a different person all together. I am really happy for the surprise he gave me in the show," she quips.
Finally Debina and Gurmmet are ready to become Pati aur Patni but there is still lot of time for 'woh' to come. "We know that starting a family is a big responsibility and at least for 2 to 3 years we can't think about it," concludes the actress.
We congratulate the duo and wish them a happy married life.
Saturday, October 03, 2009 12:05 IST