Tejaswini had recently walked out of award-winning filmmaker Manish Jha's film Matrabhoomi, because the role required her to expose. The young Kolhapure girl was acting on special guidance by her elder sister and former actress Padmini Kolhapure and her husband and film producer Tutu Sharma.
Tuesday, June 24, 2003 10:57 IST
While her debut film Paanch is still waiting for the release, Tejaswini Kolhapure has decided to
make some changes in her career strategy. In desperation the pretty damsel seems to be
turning to ‘bolder' roles. She has agreed to do Harry Fernendez's Anjaane-The Unknown that
requires her to wear a swimsuit. Anjane is the Hindi remake of the Nicole Kidman's
supernatural thriller ‘The Others'.