Urvashi Sharma, who made her debut with Abbas Mustan's 'Naqaab' failed to bag any prestigious project due to production house deal that prevented her from signing films under other banners. But now she has extricated herself from the deal and voila, she get 'The Bounty Hunter ', a film that would be funded by U.K. Film council.
Sunandan Walia, who has earlier directed a documentary film titled 'Days and Nights in an Indian Jail', would be directing
it. The Bounty Hunter comprises of British and British Asian cast including Kulvinder Ghir from 'Bend It Like
We hear that it is a performance-oriented role but there is a nude scene in the film which she has declined to do.
However, she is definitely in talks with the makers of the film.
Says Urvashi, "I have wasted one year of my career because of this contract issue as I did not get to do films at all. But
now that I'm out of it, I'm looking to do some quality work. I want to show people my acting skills and not just be
recognised as a pretty face.
I'm excited as I'm the only Indian girl in the film. I'm going to London this month to finalise things and one of the things
that needs to be discussed is a nude scene.
We need to figure out how it will be done or whether it needs to be done at all. I'm an Indian girl, and in the film I play an
Indian girl with Indian values. I wouldn't be comfortable doing a nude scene."
Back home, things are looking up as well. She has signed Chai Garam with Govinda and Sunil Shetty, and a song in an
untitled Priyadarshan film that she says "is not an item number".
Ask her what wnt wrong with Revathy Varmha's Aap Ke Liye Hum and she says she opted out of the project because
she was given post-dated cheques that bounced.
Wednesday, October 07, 2009 10:55 IST