Actress Shikha Puri who had recently posed topless for a documentary film "The Dog" has now bettered herself. She will be seen playing Parveen Babi in a film tentatively titled "The Three Kings" and featuring characters that bear some resemblance to Mahesh Bhatt and Madhur Bhandarkar.
While the film is supposedly based on Parveen Babi's life, it could not be confirmed as the director of the film, Reynolds Baines is currently travelling and was not reachable.
Sources said that in the film, Shikha will also pose fully nude for a bathroom scene. There are about 3-5 nude scenes in the film which will be made at a budget of Rs 10 crore.
According to Shikha Puri's publicist, Shikha has just signed the film and we are yet to get the final script. The film is in Hinglish and is primarily targeted at an international audience, but will also be screened in India.
Shikha Puri was last seen in a Reality Show, Sarkar Ki Duniya on Real, Cash Cab on UTV and Exhausted on Channel V is the new babe to watch out for.
She has done several ad films and print ads in less than six months of entering Bollywood. She recently shot for a music video with DJ Shezwood and featuring other item girls like Misti Mukherjee, Shona, Sheena Nayar, besides others.
Friday, October 09, 2009 12:21 IST