The inmates of Bigg Boss house are in for a big surprise this week as Akshay Kumar enters the locked house with style to spend half a day with them. According to sources, on Friday, "the actor will arrive on a
chopper, provided by the Blue producers, Shree Ashtavinayak, and will drop into the house from the sky."
A source close to the actor says, "Akshay is looking forward to especially meeting Vindoo as they are friends." On Friday, the actor will arrive on a chopper, provided by the Blue producers Shree Ashtavinayak, and
drop into the house from the sky.
A channel spokesperson also confirmed the news but he denied revealing much. "We cannot reveal whether Akshay will be going inside the house or not. All we can say is that Akshay Kumar is going to visit Big
Boss, " he said.
Last year, Akshay was on the show to promote his film ‘Jumbo'. He had co-hosted an episode of the show with Shilpa Shetty.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 12:53 IST