Bollywood actress Amrita Rao, who had been ill due to long hours of shooting, has hired superstar Shah Rukh Khan's trainer to get back in shape, said a source close to her.
"Amrita wants to lose weight. She has been asked to go on a complete health diet comprising fruits and boiled vegetables as she is required to look completely fit, " said the source.
The 28-year-old actress who played the coy beauty in films like Vivaah and Ishq Vishq went for a glamorous makeover for Shortcut and she continues to sizzle on the cover of Maxim's October issue.
"Gracing the cover of India's largest selling men's magazine was a fantastic opportunity and it just goes to show that I am one of the most desirable actors in tinsel town," said Rao in a press statement.
Amrita is also said to be mastering kick boxing and aerobics these days.
Monday, October 19, 2009 13:31 IST