Multilingual filmmaker Priyadarshan, whose off beat "Kanchivaram" Wednesday was adjudged the best film at the 55th National Film Awards, says he is happy to prove that mainstream filmmakers can make realistic
"Basically, it was important to break the belief that commercial filmmakers can't make realistic movies. I broke it, " Priyadarshan told in an interview here.
"Kanchivaram", set in the pre-independence era, is about a father who sacrifices his ideologies for his daughter.
"The storyline has a political perspective too. It shows that any ideology fails because those who preache don't practice it, " said Priyadarshan.
The film was premiered at Toronto International Film Festival where it got an standing ovation.
"The standing ovation by 1000 foreigners in Toronto marked the success of making the film, " said Priyadarshan.
Prakash Raj, who plays the father, has also got National Award for his performance in the film.
Thursday, October 22, 2009 10:09 IST