Bollywood actress Sonam Kapoor, who was in the capital for over a month to shoot for her upcoming venture "Ayesha", says the film is 40 percent complete.
"We are done with 40 percent of the shooting for 'Ayesha' and now we will resume the rest in Mumbai, " Sonam told here.
"Ayesha" has been shot across the capital as well as in Rishikesh, Uttarakhand.
Made under the banner of her father actor-producer Anil Kapoor, the movie is being produced by her sister Rhea.
Also starring Abhay Deol in the lead, "Ayesha" is an adaptation of Jane Austen's novel "Emma" and is about the perils of misconstrued romance.
Friday, October 23, 2009 10:49 IST