Raj Kumar Hirani who was sing paens to Aamir's professionalism till a few days back is now engaged in a deadlock over creative differences with the perfectionist star. The duo have been getting along during the making of 3 Idiots but first crack started to appear when Aamir has disagreed with Raju Hirani over the promos that the latter has selected.
Unwilling to budge from his stand, Hirani stood his ground while an annoyed Aamir walked off during the argument. Breathing bad blood the two Titans are now busy boasting about their egos. And as of now it's unclear whether Aamir would be a part of the film's promotion.
A source tells, "There were three promos cut for the first look. The selected promo will be incorporated with the release of London Dreams on October 30. One promo was unanimously rejected by the three strong-headed guys, producer Vidhu Vinod Chopra, director Raju Hirani and actor Aamir Khan.
The promos which Aamir preferred showed the film as it is, while Raju wanted to show the spirit of the film in its first look. Raju was not in favour of the promo which was cut on Aamir's behest. So, when Raju said that he wanted to use the promo that he has finalised, Aamir tried to reason with him for close to 45 minutes.
Aamir then realised that Raju wasn't going to change his decision. An irate Aamir just left the office. The creative difference happened on Sunday at Vidhu's Bandra office and Aamir has not visited them since, although the unit has been calling him. There was also a promotional event planned for Oct 29 for the unveiling of the first look of the film. But no one knows if it will happen now."
"Not many directors have the guts to stand up for their ideas in front of a star like Aamir Khan and put their foot down saying that they want something their own way. Aamir might be upset right now, but we are sure that his respect for Raju will bring him around. However, right now all's not well, " he adds.
Friday, October 23, 2009 10:59 IST