The veteran actor Surekha Sikri aka Dadisa of Balika Vadhu, who lost her husband recently is planning to make a comeback on the sets. The actress's husband had not been keeping well since long as he had a heart
problem and he died of that recently but being in the daily soap, Surekha has to meet the demands.
"Surekhaji has taken up her situation very practically. According to the actress ‘the show must go on' and thus she will be returning back on her work from this coming Monday, " quips the little birdie.
The current track need her presence in the show. "The track is focusing on dadisa and her past will be revealed soon thus she is needed in the visuals. Due to sudden death of her hubby it was awkward for us to ask
her but she herself came forward and stated that she would be reporting soon, " adds the source.
This is called a very professional woman. Surekha knows the demand of dailies and thus she has agreed to meet the same with the moto that of Raj Kapoor, show must go on...
Saturday, October 24, 2009 11:52 IST