Madhur Bhandarkar's film, Jail, has been passed by the Censor Board with a ‘U/A' certificate. But Madhur isn't exactly smiling from ear to ear as they gave it a ‘U/A'certificate only after chopping off seven scenes.
The seven scenes that were snapped off include Neil's nude scene, a homosexual scene, Neil and Mugdha Godse's love-making scene, a sex joke, etc. Abusive dialogues are also no longer a part of the film. Even
though Madhur wasn't entirely ok with the decision, he didn't want to release the film with an ‘A' certificate.
Madhur fought a good bit for Neil's nude scene as it was already blurred. But the authorities were unwilling to budge.
The Regional Officer of the Censor Board stated that it was necessary to remove some
scenes if a ‘U/A' certificate had to be given.
They would have been more liberal if the director was aiming for an ‘A' certificate. He feels that the film is well researched and very thought provoking and that the
authorities loved the film.
Saturday, October 24, 2009 12:29 IST