Pankaj Kapur's directorial debut, Mausam took a severe blow when Shahid and Kareena parted ways. Nevertheless, with the role written keeping Kareena in mind, he was facing a tough time hunting for a female lead.
Also, Pankaj couldn't get a producer for a long time before Religare Vistaar Entertainment came into the picture.
Kareena upon hearing this said that she had no problems starring opposite Shahid in any movie as she separates her professional life from her personal one.
She added that the only thing she would look for is a good script and a good role for herself. Shahid had always maintained that he had no qualms about starring with Kareena. Seems like the audience will soon get to
see Shahid and Kareena romance together even if it is just on-screen.
Now that Kareena has no problem starring opposite Shahid, we wonder if his father will drop his plans of a nationwide hunt for the lead actress and make the next call to Kareena.
When asked about him earlier wanting Kareena in his film, Pankaj said, "Who told you this? I am still writing the script. How can I think of casting actors before I have completed my script? I will further talk when we
are ready to roll."
Mausam is an out-and-out romantic film to be shot in five countries- UK, Spain, Italy, Austria and India. It is expected to start in January 2010.
Well, only time will tell if the twain will meet.
Friday, October 30, 2009 10:55 IST