The recent track of comedy show Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashma (SAB TV) is involved in the auditions for an up coming commercial advertisement for which our ‘Tappu Sena' has already given the tests but
unfortunately, Goghi (Samay Shah) misses the bus.
Our source from the production informs, "As Goghi doesn't get selected for the ad, Rita Reporter along with the tappu sena will plan to misplace Goghi so that he automatically get the required publicity and at the end
be a star."
"Because according to Tappu sena if Goghi will be purposely misplaced than people will panic, he will come on news channel and be popular enough to be known and does not need any ad to support his visibility, "
adds the source.
That's true Tappu sena, you have tried a very commonly used weapon to be popular. Lage raho!
Monday, November 16, 2009 12:41 IST