Actor Irrfan Khan recently gave his voice over for a TV Serial called Crime and Bollywood for free. It is learnt that he did his dubbing without charging a single penny to its producer Sunil Bohra. He even managed to squeeze out time from his busy schedule to dub for the serial.
Our source revealed, "Irrfan Khan was busy shooting for Sohail Maklai's Knock Out.
Since it was a four-day shoot, the studio had been booked for the same. It was a very tight schedule as major portions of the film had to be completed within four days. And it was during this schedule that Bohra asked Irrfan to give a voiceover for his serial.
Being a good friend of Bohra's, Irrfan immediately agreed. Once the dubbing began, Irrfan would rush from the studio to dub for the serial, skipping his sleep too. Besides, completing Maklai's schedule on time, Irrfan completed the dubbing as well."
Bohra since then has not been stopping singing praises of Irrfan who proved to be a friend indeed and managing to complete the work that to for free despite his watertight schedule.
Monday, November 16, 2009 13:01 IST