Ram Gopal Verma's Sarkar 3 has become flash point between Ranbir Kapoor and the maverick director. According to sources the actor refused RGV's offer to play Amitabh Bachchan's grandson in the upcoming political thriller.
"Ranbir was best suited to play Kay Kay Menon`s son in ‘Sarkar 3', which would have seen Amitabh coaching his grandson to take over the powerful Subhash Nagre empire. Ramu was really impressed by Ranbir and approached him with the offer, but Ranbir wasn`t too excited about the film. In fact, he flatly refused to do it, " says a source.
"This refusal has not gone down well with Ramu. He has been sulking. Ramu could not believe Ranbir wouldn't be keen to be part of ‘Sarkar 3' and act with Amitabh Bachchan. Ranbir, however, seems to have his reasons -- he wants to experiment with roles and since he is already doing Prakash Jha's ‘Rajneeti', another political thriller, he didn't want to do the same genre.
Even his proposed role in ‘Sarkar 3' was similar to the one he`s doing in ‘Rajneeti' -- playing heir to a great political legacy. Therefore he refused the RGV movie, " adds the source.
Apparently, Ramu is very upset and ahs scrapped ‘Sarkar 3'as for now as he don't have anyone else in mind for this role.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009 11:43 IST