Nikhil Advani's team is having some trouble finding a boy to play the teenaged Akshay Kumar in his next film, Patiala House. They have now launched a nationwide hunt for a boy who will suit Akshay.
The film stars Akshay Kumar and Anushka Sharma as the leads. The team in charge of the auditions for the teenage Akshay were tired as none of the boys seemed to match him.
They are relying on the
contest to fetch them someone who will match Akshay's height and body language and someone who is from a real background, so that he will be able to have some of Akshay's qualities.
The contest will start from December 1 and the entries will be collected till December 15. The contest will be publicized in all leading newspapers across the country. Two news channels, one entertainment channel
and a multiplex chain have tied up for the contest. Director Nikhil Advani will choose ten semi-finalists and Akshay Kumar will decide upon the winner.
The film, produced by Bhushan Kumar and Mukesh Talreja, will release around Diwali next year.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009 11:01 IST