Here's a breaking news. Kamal Rashid Khan is making an entry into the Bigg Boss house once again. Earlier, He was thrown out of the house for his abusive and violent behaviour against Rohit Verma. But the TRP's
of the show allegedly went down after his exit so, the channel decided to get him back.
So what is his strategy now?
Talking to press KRK said, "I will enter the house in a rocket. I don't know whether the housemates will be happy, sad, or surprised by my entry but I promise cent per cent entertainment to my audience.
entry will mean trouble for Vindu, Rohit and Raju who have been punished by Bigg Boss. I am going to beat these three idiots. The audience will see how I will set them straight. They need to learn a lesson and I am
the hero who will teach it to them"
Kamal has reportedly apologised to the channel authorities and assured that he won't get physical with anyone in future. Rumours were alos there that even Tanaaz was being considered of making a wild card entry
but if sources are to be believed it would be Kamaal Khan who would be entering the Big Boss house.
Thursday, November 19, 2009 11:22 IST