Ex-Miss Universe and Bollywood actress Sushmita Sen who just turned 34 is planning to adopt another baby most likely a girl. According to sources, the hot actress had been visiting an adoption centre recently to look for a baby girl and was also seen shopping for cute baby clothes on Linking Road.
The source adds, "Sush wants to complete her family with another child, preferably female. She has already made inquiries and begun visiting such centres. The actress is keen that she adopts another baby soon."
Sushmita adopted a girl child in 2000 who was not in the best of her health. She named her Renee and thus became Bollywood's first single mom!
The unconventional actress has a few key projects lined up; Dulha Mil Gaya starring Shahrukh Khan and Gulel with Ajay Devgn. It remains to be seen if these big banners will help Sush regain her lost glory!
Friday, November 20, 2009 12:29 IST