After singing and participating in the reality show, Anushka Manchanda is taking one step forward as she moves to Bollywood. Yes the singer is all set to debut as actor on big screen with big stars.
"Anushka will be soon seen in Sushmita Sen's flick Dulha Mil Gaya which also stars Shah Rukh Khan in guest appearance, " chirps the source.
Elaborating on her role in the film our source adds, "She will be essaying the role of Sush friend and is very excited about her debut on films. The singer is trying to spread her wings in all arenas."
We tried contacting Anushka but she was unavailable for the comments.
So don't be surprised if you see Anushka taking another step forward. We wish her luck for her big career on big screen.
Saturday, November 21, 2009 11:19 IST