Internationally acclaimed Indian filmmaker Shekhar Kapur visited Dargah of Moinuddin Chisty in Ajmer with Oscar winning music maestro A.R. Rahman and says the visit will be a good omen for his long pending project "Paani".
"I want to thank A.R. Rahman for taking me to Ajmer. It was my first visit and going with A.R. Rahman made it even more amazing, " Kapur, who went there Saturday, posted on his blog.
Kapur made the plan to visit Ajmer on the flight.
"Rahman and I were working on the music of 'Paani' when on the way back to Mumbai, I found myself sitting next to him on the flight...I had just said bye to him. He was going to Ajmer and asked if I would come and, of course, I went. I saw that as a sign for the beginning of 'Paani', " he added.
Kapur was, however, upset on missing on the early morning qawaali there.
"My only regret is that I was not there for the early morning qawaali, " he wrote.
Also accompanying the duo at the shrine was sound technician Resul Pookutty, who had also triumphed at the Oscars for his work in "Slumdog Millionaire".
Monday, November 23, 2009 11:28 IST