Controversial reality game show "Sacch Ka Saamna" is set to return to the small screen with a second season on Star Plus. However, the show's host has not yet been decided, said an official.
The first season that ended Sep 18 was hosted by actor Rajeev Khandelwal.
"The show did well and it will have a season two. But we haven't yet decided on when to air it or who will be the host - all those things haven't been addressed, " Anupam Vasudev, executive vice-president, marketing and communication, STAR India, told over telephone from Mumbai.
"It (the show) is not (planned) in the near future, " he added.
The bold content of the game show came under the government scanner after the issue was raised in parliament.
Later, the ministry of Information and Broadcasting issued a showcause notice to the channel for violating the programming code of the Cable TV Network Act of 1995.
Based on the American show "The Moment of Truth", "Sacch Ka Saamna" featured contestants who had to answer 21 questions about their personal lives. A polygraph machine determined whether their answers were true or not.
A contestant with the perfect score could walk away with a prize money of Rs.10 million. In the first season, celebrities like former cricketer Vinod Kambli, actresses Urvashi Dholakia and Rupa Ganguly featured on the show and made brave revelations, but none could win the prize money.
Monday, November 23, 2009 11:50 IST