Shah Rukh Khan and BJP spokesperson Shaina N C painted a wall at Marine Lines to pay tribute to the heroes and victims of 26/11 where as Big B a joined a chorus of singers, in which India's film fraternity paid
tribute to the heroes and victims of the terror attacks.
"It was a very tragic event, but the good thing that happened was that the tragedy brought the people of Mumbai together and closer," said actor Aamir Khan.
Megastar Amitabh Bachchan recently joined the chorus for a special song as a tribute to the victims of the 26/11 terror attack in Mumbai.
"Sonu Nigam had asked me to participate in a song that he was doing for those whom we lost that fateful day. I did,' Amitabh wrote on his blog.
"Many different singers from our trade had participated in it to lend it a spirit of togetherness and strength, of faith in our independence, and the love for those that became ours in defending our freedom. I am joyed by
the effort and give voice to it," he added.
Thursday, November 26, 2009 17:57 IST