Filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma has confirmed he will make a sequel to his horror film Phoonk in three languages - Hindi, Tamil and Telugu, and it will be directed by writer Milind Gadagkar.
"When Milind Gadagkar came up with the idea of 'Phoonk-2', the opening sequence itself made me jump in my seat. The moment I read the entire script, I was convinced that he should direct the film as I was amazed at the clarity he had in detailing the story, " Varma posted on his blog.
"I also decided to make the film in three languages. In Hindi it is going to be called 'Phoonk -2'. In Tamil 'Bommai-2' because 'Phoonk' has been dubbed in Tamil as 'Bommai' and in Telugu it is going to be called 'Aavaham' meaning 'The Possession', " he added.
The 47-year-old also gave away the plot of the movie.
"If the entire 'Phoonk' story was about how this evil woman who practices black magic was bent upon torturing and killing a little girl in order to make her father suffer and how the father manages to get a tantrik who kills the evil woman, 'Phoonk-2' starts off with the spirit of the evil woman coming back from the dead and brutally murdering the tantrik, " he wrote.
The movie will star Kannada actor Sudeep along with Amruta Khanvilkar and child actress Ahsaas Channa.
Monday, December 07, 2009 12:29 IST