Promos of Bollywood actor Rahul Bose's upcoming horror film "Fired" have run into trouble with the censor board and have been deemed inappropriate to be aired on Indian television.
The trailers, yet to be aired, were high on blood and gore and also carried a sex scene between Rahul and British model Militza Radmilovic that fell in the A certificate bracket.
The producers were asked to remove nudity and tone down the violent scenes, as per the Cable Television Network (Regulation) Act that bars TV promos with 'A' certificate form being aired on any Indian channel.
Despite snipping off the sensitive scenes, the promos have still attracted an "A" certificate and the producers are miffed.
"There seems to be double standards for censorship of content on TV. As producers, we are not allowed to promote our film on TV.
We don't know how we can put the message across to the audiences that
ours is a horror film if we are not allowed to show blood and gore in the promos, " Ashish Bhatnagar, CEO if IDream Production that has produced the movie, said in a statement.
Bose said: "I feel we have a misplaced sense of censorship. What I feel is gory or vulgar somebody else might not. Even for the sex scene, I feel people are more mature now and so self-censorship should be the key."
Slated for a 2010 release, "Fired" is the directorial debut of Sajid Warrier.
Monday, December 07, 2009 12:45 IST