Maddy has finished the first leg of shooting in old Lucknow for Anand Rai's ‘Tanu Weds Manu' opposite Kangana Ranaut. A source revealed, "A crazy Madhavan fan had been coming on the sets everyday and waiting
long hours just to get a glimpse of Maddy."
The source adds, "When Maddy came to know about this fan he quickly called her and asked her why she was waiting, in response the fan said she is mad about him and has watched every picture of his starting from
‘Rehnaa Hai Terre Dil Mein' and it was her birthday and she wanted to celebrate her birthday with him.
Hearing this, Maddy ordered a cake for her and they cut the cake on the set."
A unit member said, "It was a nice gesture from Maddy, as the fan was head-over-heals in awe for the star and couldn't control her emotions and was on the 9th heaven after the incident."
Tuesday, December 08, 2009 11:33 IST