Legendary actor Shammi Kapoor has been admitted to the Breach Candy Hospital here with a chest infection -- and one of
the many fans visiting him was old friend Amitabh Bachchan.
Amitabh made it a point to visit Kapoor, 78, Sunday itself, a day after he had been hospitalised.
"The evening started with a visit to Breach Candy Hospital where the great Shammi Kapoor has been admitted with a chest
infection, " Amitabh wrote on his blog.
"Seeing him confined to a bed has been disturbing, but his spirit and his will has been one that requires no words to
express his nonchalant reserved demeanour. Shammi Kapoor, who sang and danced his way into our hearts from the
snows of Kashmir to the endless soirees he held at his apartment in town. Sad to see him like this, but how wonderful to
find his spirits alive and his humour intact, " he added.
Amitabh said he was nostalgic during the visit and recalled the times when he had to spend time in the same hospital.
"Entering Breach Candy is always full of the (memories of) many difficult episodes we as a family went through. My illness
in 1982 and 1983 and 1984 and the many visits of my father and my mother and the very special manner in which they took
care of all of us, " he wrote.
Wednesday, December 09, 2009 10:30 IST