Priyanka Chopra was recently spotted in Amrita Rao's dress! No, that's not quite it. She was caught wearing an outfit
similar to one that Amrita wore some days ago. And what's more –both dresses come from the same designer –Swapnil
Priyanka wore the outfit for a party on Friday. Meanwhile, Amrita had worn the same outfit on TV ten days ago. Priyanka is
probably unaware of the goof-up.
Swapnil confirmed that the outfit that Priyanka was wearing was by him and that
she had liked it a lot, as her stylist called him up to tell him that she was complimented for that dress a lot. He also added
that Priyanka called him up asking him for an outfit and he had about three or four gold outfits ready.
He confirmed that even Amrita's outfit was by him. But he denies the outfits being the same. He simply states that the
outfits have a similar design. Now, we're not so sure this is going to go down very well with Priyanka, even though she
hasn't commented on the issue.
Amrita remarked that Priyanka probably was unaware that they both had the same outfit or even if she knew, it didn't
matter to her as she looks like a diva, no matter what's she's wearing.
Wednesday, December 09, 2009 11:20 IST