A crackling love triangle between Kareena Kapoor, Farhan Akhtar and Chitrangada Singh in Sudhir Mishra's upcoming film 'Dhruv' is set to scorch the silver screen.
Mishra, who is earlier worked with Kareena in 'Chameli' and Chitrangada in 'Hazaaron Khwaishein Aisi' is set to bring the two beauties on screen in an sensual love story with Farhan.
"It is about two women madly in love with the same man (Farhan) who is involved in politics," Chitrangada, who was here at the launch ceremony of management guru Arindam Chaudhuri's book 'Discover The Diamond
in You', said.
The project has been on hold reportedly because Farhan and Kareena's dates are still to be co-ordinated co-ordinated, but Chitrangada hopes that the film will go on floor early next year.
Thursday, December 10, 2009 18:28 IST