The story revolves around six friends who are kidnapped and are brought to a shopping mall. In the past, as 15 year old these friends had played a game of ‘hide and seek' where something drastically went wrong.
Now years later someone wants them to play the same game. Those who survive the night will live and the rest will get killed. All the six characters that had not met each other since the first game run around the mall, mistrusting each other until the mystery unfolds.
Commenting on his role in the film, Samir says, "I play a suave character named Abhimanyu Jaiswal, who is the CEO of a company. But beneath this cool facade there is some weakness, which compels him to do drugs. For this role I have changed my look and have grown a moustache."
He further added, "What attracted me to this film were its moments of mystery and intrigue. This whole Apoorva Lakhia project was shot in a single schedule and the film flows in paced-up sequences, this film is edge of the seat entertainer."