Shah Rukh Khan was the special guest at the screening of ‘Avatar' at a multiplex last evening and liked the film so much after just watching half of it that he went to the studio officials, requesting them to hold a special
screening of the film for his children and family.
Shah Rukh was keen on watching ‘Avatar' as he likes science fiction and superhero films. He was also eager to attend the screening as the first theatrical promo of ‘My Name is Khan' released during Avatar's
He likes superhero films so much that he is working on ‘Ra. One', directed by Anubhav Sinha. Meanwhile, he loved ‘Avatar' a lot and wanted his children to watch it.
His children were busy with school and
studies last evening and couldn't watch it. That's why he has requested for a special screening of the film. The screening will be held on Saturday and the time and venue is yet to be decided.
Just a few weeks ago, SRK's children wanted to watch ‘Paa' and SRK had called up Amitabh Bachchan, requesting him for passes.
Thursday, December 17, 2009 11:06 IST