Recently, Priyanka Chopra showed how smart, kind and patient she can be. While shooting for an ad, she helped out a
technician get a shot right. Talk about beauty with brains...
The scene required the technician to shower some thermocol balls on her in a particular way. He didn't seem to be getting
the way to do it like the director had asked him to and kept doing it all wrong.
Priyanka patiently did take after take until she called the technician. He was a little afraid at first but he was left surprised
when she held the sheet and showed him how to throw the balls on her.
After letting him practices with her for a while, the technician got the trick to do it properly. The scene was shot like the
director wanted it and the unit members all clapped for and praised the technician and the actress.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009 10:58 IST