Kruti Parekh, India's first test tube baby, regressed back to her past life on Imagine's ‘Raaz Pichhle Janam Ka' to find an explanation for her inborn magical ability.
From a baby that created a milestone in the Indian history to being India's youngest magician; Kruti (now twenty four), has been special in every way.
When other girls would play with dolls, Kruti would hone her talent of magic.
She has demonstrated her magical abilities such as penetrating through the Great Wall of China, making elephants or a helicopter disappear and much more all over the world.
In spite of immense success, a thought provokes her – Why am I a special child with God-gifted powers?
On learning about ‘Raaz Pichhle Janam Ka', Kruti decided to explore her connections of magic, luck, success and spirituality in her past lives with the help of prominent psychologist Dr. Trupti Jayin.
During regression, Kruti saw herself as a King of an island in the 6th century. She practiced the art of magic at a Gurukul (school) along with a friend and saved the island from certain negative powers.
Kruti said, "Earlier, I would tell everyone that magic is my birth right because I am born by the magic of science. But after undergoing regression, I realize the strong connection of my past life with my talents such as magic, mind & training since that was the time when I actually learnt the art."
Interestingly, Kruti also discovered that her interest in studies is associated with yet another past life where she was a researcher.
Friday, December 25, 2009 12:05 IST