Bollywood actor Salman Khan grew so fond of a horse, Laxmi, during the shoot of his film "Veer" that he has planned to purchase two for his farmhouse.
"My love for horses has grown so much after shooting for 'Veer' that I have decided to buy two horses for my farmhouse, " said Salman.
"One horse that stands out was Laxmi. She was my favourite and I was so attached to her that I must have fed her more biscuits than I have eaten in my entire life!" he added.
"Veer", slated to release Jan 22, is a story of bravery, treachery and love. The story revolves around the 18th century Pindaris who preferred death to dishonour and fought to their last breath to save their land. Salman
plays a Pindari soldier in the film.
Friday, December 25, 2009 12:36 IST