Bollywood star Abhishek Bachchan seems to be following his father, megastar Amitabh Bachchan, wherever he can. If the grapevine is to be believed, Abhishek is now set to host a new show titled 'Bingo' on
entertainment channel Colors.
"Abhishek is doing a show called 'Bingo' with us. It's a very interesting concept but details cannot be given out at this point, " a source from the channel told on condition of anonymity.
Though the show's format is still unclear, it is expected to be based on a person's laziness quotient, as indicated by a special website - - created to promote it.
The show's teasers, featuring Abhishek in a chilled out mood, are already on air on the channel. According to the teasers, "Abhishek's Aaram Classes" are "opening shortly". However, when contacted Abhishek's
spokesperson, she denied the news.
"Abhishek is not doing any TV show. It is just a website with various interactive applications. I recommend everyone to register on the website and test their laziness and look at the various lazy tips, " she said over
phone from Mumbai.
Asked if there is any TV show being produced by AB Corp Limited featuring Abhishek, his spokesperson said: "AB Corp Ltd is not producing anything for TV at the moment."
Simultaneously, rumours have been rife that 'Bingo' will replace reality show 'Bigg Boss 3', being hosted by Amitabh, after its finale Dec 26. But the channel's source denied, saying: "'Bigg Boss 3' will be replaced by
our two new shows - 'Yeh Pyaar Na Hoga Kam' and 'Laagi Tujhse Lagan', not by 'Bingo'."
Friday, December 25, 2009 12:47 IST