Ranbir Kapoor has a hidden talent which was revealed when the actor recently crooned a peppy number for music director Vishal Shekhar in ‘Anjaana Anjaani' in flat 45 minutes!
The recording took place at Vishal Shekhar's studio in Bandra at 1 am on Wednesday. Ranbir was on his way home before 2am. "He shocked both, Vishal and Shekhar. His singing was so smooth and comfortable.
This facet of Ranbir was completely unknown and untapped, " says a source.
Dadlani confirms, "Yes Ranbir has sung for a sequence in the film. He is going to blow away a lot of people when they hear him." Adding that he's been persuading Priyanka as well the composer adds, "Shekhar and I
have been talking to PC about singing for us got a long time. It will happen when it happens. We'll see."
Incidentally, Ranbir's co-star Priyanka Chopra too has a solo in the film as the source added, "She heard the tune last night and brainstormed with Siddharth and Vishal Shekhar about her comfort level with the pitch of
the song. She is yet to muster up the courage to sing. As things stand today, she should be singing the song in the next couple of days."
Friday, December 25, 2009 12:56 IST