While the entire country is glittering with Christmas celebrations, Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan went down memory lane as
he greeted his blogger friends on Friday.
"On Christmas and the birth of an entire belief may I wish all my Christian friends brothers and sisters, the best that can be for all in the
years to come and may there be peace and wellness in our lives and indeed in the lives of all those that inhabit this unique universe
called Earth ... AMEN !, " Big B wrote in his blog.
He shared his childhood memories of celebrating Christmas in Allahabad.
"The early years spent in Allahabad during one of the most awaited and loved celebrations of the entire year were always filled with fun
and good will generated by our neighbors Rev Paul Das on 18 Clive Road, ours being 17 Clive Road.
"Their children Shunila, Naresh and Malti, our dearest friends. Naresh a few years older and my senior when I went to Sherwood from
Boys' High School, suddenly passing away a year after he left School, leaving a terrible void and depression on my mind.
"Shunila, the elder and the pretty one, who played the piano with such grace and elegance and Malti the youngest married and settled
in USA or is it Canada ?
Who never fails to meet up every time I have played in a concert in that region and who after seeking
a meeting was getting pushed away by security and who when I stopped my limo to acknowledge her, burst into tears and then coming
up to visit me in my room. Everything comes back in a blink of an eye."
He continued: "Christmas at their house was such a delight. The cake and the pastry specially made carefully over the days
Little gifts wrapped in colorful wrappers, crackers that you pulled from either side to revel a message within, carols and
hymns sung way past the night - ‘Silent Night Holy Night, all is calm all is bright..' and then many years beyond in Kolkata and the
huge celebrations on the ‘Bada Din', the parties among our group, the special evenings at the restaurants amidst the fog mist and cold
of the city.
"And much much later in the realm of cinema and movies and the opportunity of travel to foreign locations and to witness the spirit of
the day in some of the most vibrant cities of the world - London, New York, Paris ... to join in in their celebration and to witness the
beauty of their decorations.
"And on some years to accompany our friends to the mid night mass in the church in Kolkata and to live in the pious thoughts that it
"All of it comes back in vivid detail, " Bachchan wrote.
Saturday, December 26, 2009 11:46 IST