/> On his 44th birthday on Sunday (27 December) Salman Khan launched an all –India hunt for unsung heroes, young men and women who have performed heroic deeds which the nation doesn't know about.
This hunt for unsung heroes (and heroines) is apparently one more effort by Salman Khan in bridge-building and improving his image.
Says a source, "Lately Salman has been going out of his way to connect with the masses.
The idea to launch a contest on his birthday to search for unrecognized heroes came from Aamir Khan's recent connect-with-masses Bharat Darshan which he undertook as part of the promotion for 3 Idiots.
People close to Salman advised him to find a similar point of connectivity with the common man for Salman's
forthcoming film Veer. And what better occasion to show his affinity to the masses than his birthday?"
Confirming Salman's plans to search and celebrate the lives of unsung heroes from all over the country Veer producer Vijay Galani says, "You've heard correctly.Salman is launching a contest to find real-life unsung
Since he has played the hero so often on screen he feels real-life heroes deserve to be brought out of anonymity. We'll be going to the remotest corners of India to select these unknown heroes.
Finally one of them will be given the Veer cup personally by Salman at a function in Mumbai."
Monday, December 28, 2009 12:18 IST